Notes on Tag Questions for SSC Skip to main content


Notes on Tag Questions for SSC

Notes on Tag Questions for SSC-
                             Tag Questions ‰Zwii উপায় I D`viYt
NOTE-1. g~j Sentence wU AcwiewZ©Z _vK‡e +Comma(,) e‡m+Tense Abyhvqx cÖ_‡g Auxiliary verb,   positive n‡j ‘not’ hv Auxiliary verb Gi mv‡_ Short form ‡b‡e Ges Gi ci subject Gi pronoun em‡e | Gi ev‡K¨I †k‡l cÖkœ‡evaK wPý (note of interrogation) (?)e‡m |
‡hgbt He will play football, won’t he?
She is pretty, isn’t she?
She can play the piano, can’t she?

NOTE-2.  Tag Question Gi Subject (KZv©) me mgq g~j Subject Gi Pronoun wn‡m‡e e¨en~Z nq | ‡hgbt 
    Rina will sing a folk song, won’t she?
Rahim went to Dhaka yesterday, didn’t he?
Rima cooked rice,didn’t she?       Hasan plays cricket,does’t he?
My friends play football, don’t they?    Fishes can swim,can’t they?
A good rain can give us some relief,can’t it?

 NOTE-3.   g~j Sentence wU Affirmative  (n¨v-†evaK) n‡j, tag  wU n‡e Negative (bv †evaK) |
  Mr Brown teaches us English, doesn’t he?  He may pass the exam, mayn’t he?
The man would do it, wouldn’t he?             He is a liar,isn’t he?
I will make tea, won’t I?                               He invited me, didn’t he?   
Nafisa was studying English, wasn’t she?

 NOTE-4.    g~j Sentence wU Negative (b-†evaK) n‡j Tag  wU n‡e Affirmative (n¨v †evaK)|
He doesn’t take sugar in the tea, does he?    He doesn’t read in this school, does he?
I don’t like banana, do I?                                There is no water in the glass, is there?

 NOTE-5. g~j ev‡K¨ mvnvh¨Kvix  verb _vK‡j tag  wn‡m‡e Number  I Person Abyhvqx H mvnvh¨Kvix Verb wU em‡e |
I shall never tell a lie, shall I?       You need not go to the field, need you?
You have done well, haven’t you?

 NOTE-6.     g~j ev‡K¨ †Kvb mvnvh¨Kvix Verb(Auxiliary verb) bv _vK‡j Tag wn‡m‡e Present Indefinite Tense (Subject +Verb +/s/es +Extension.)Gi  †¶‡Î  do/does  em‡e |
I prefer milk to tea, don’t I?  Grammen Bank provides loan to the poor,
doesn’t it?
We ought to love our country, oughtn’t we? Fortune favoures the brave, don’t

 NOTE-7.    g~j ev‡K¨ †Kvb mvnvh¨Kvix Verb bv _vK‡j Tag wn‡m‡e Past  Indefinite Tense(Subject+verb of past form+Extension )  Gi  †¶‡Î  did   em‡e |
Reza got a job, didn’t he?                            We saw the boys playing, didn’t we?
The boy saw a snake, didn’t he?                    America attacked Iraq, didn’t she?
They came here, didn’t they?                   Rahim went to Dhaka yesterday, didn’t he?
He put the book on the table, didn’t he?
 NOTE-8.    We e¨ZxZ †Kvb Sentence Gi Subject Plural  n‡j Tag-G iƒcvšÍ‡ii mgq mvnvh¨Kvix  Verb Gi  c‡i  they e‡m |
Sinners suffer in the long run, don’t they       Fishes can swim, can’t they?
Birds can’t swim, can they?

 NOTE-9.     ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject  I  n‡j, I Gi c‡i  am  e¨en~Z  n†j tag Gi  †¶‡Î aren’t   e‡m |
I am waiting for him, aren’t I?      I am your well wishers, aren’t I?
I am a student, aren’t I?                  I am happy, aren’t I?
I am ten years old, aren’t I?            I am punctual, aren’t I?

 NOTE-10 . ‡Kvb ev‡K¨i Subject  I  n‡j, I Gi c‡i  am not e¨en~Z  n†j tag Gi  †¶‡Î am I   e‡m |
I am not a doctor, am I?          I am not so interested in the business, am I?

 NOTE-11.  Imperative Sentence  Gi  Tag mvavibZt will  w`‡q kyiy nq |
Open the windows, will you ?             Don’t tell it again, will you?

 NOTE-12. Positive request(Aby‡iva) /Command(Av‡`k)Gi  †¶‡Î tag wU Positive n‡Z cv‡i Avevi  Negative I n‡Z cv‡i |
Shut the door, will you?                               Shut the book, will you?
Please lend me some money, will you?       Respect the old, won’t you?
Open the door, won’t you?                          Wait here a moment, won’t you?
Kindly do me a favour, won’t you?            Sit down please, won’t you?

 NOTE-13. wKšÍ Negative request(Aby‡iva), command( Av‡`k) I advice (Dc‡`kGi †¶‡Î Tag wU me mgq Postive nq |
Don’t forget me, will you?                                           Don’t boil rice, will you?
Don’t disturb me, will you?                                          Don’t make a noise, will you?
Do not touch live electric wire, will you?                   Don’t forget me, will you?
Do not hate the poor, will you?

 NOTE-14 . ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z Do not/Don’t/Never  _vK‡j Tag question As‡k  Will you e¨eüZ n†e  |
Don’t disturb me, will you?                              Don’t waste time, will you?
Do not tell it again, will you?

 NOTE-15 . Aby‡ivam~PK (Please, Kindly, Would) ev‡K¨i †¶‡Î  Would you/can you/can’t you/could you/couldn’t you  mvavibZ e¨eüZ nq | Z‡e will you/won’t you I e¨eüZ  n†Z cv‡i |
Kindly do me a favour, can you/will you?

Please lend me some money, could you/will you?

 NOTE-16.  Let us /Let’s (cÖ¯Íve †evSvq) hw` Statement G e¨eüZ  nq Z‡e Tag G shall we e¨eüZ n†e  |
Let’s have a walk, shall we? Let’s go on a picnic, shall we?
Let’s have a walk by the riverside, shall we?
Let’s discuss the matter, shall we?                      
Let us build our nation, shall we  ?
     Let us work together, shall we?                         Let’s arrange a picnic, shall we?
Let’s discuss the matter, shall we ?                   Let’s play cricket, shall we?

 NOTE-17. Let Gi ci hw` us  bv †_‡K Let me/Let him/Let her/Let them/Let the boy/Let Kamal  w`‡q hw` AbygwZ †evSvq †m¶‡Î Tag Question n‡e Will you?
      Let me do the work, will you?                     Let her come in, will you?
Let me be alone, will you?                             Let me enjoy the party, will you?

 NOTE-18. Nothing I Everything, something  wb‡`©k Ki‡Z Tag G it  e¨eüZ   nq|
Nothing is impossible, is it?               Nothing is certain, is it?
Everything looked beautiful, didn’t it? Something should be done, shouldn’t it?
Nothing can concern you, can it?           Nothing comes from nothing, does it?
Nothing is impossible in this world, is it?

 NOTE-19. Everyone, Everybody, Someone, Somebody, Anyone, Anybody, All, Øviv MwVZ Sentence Gi Tag question Gi Subject wn‡m‡e ‘they’ Pronoun  wU  e¨eüZ  nq |
Every mother loves her child, don’t they?

 NOTE-20.  No one, Nobody,   None, Neither Øviv MwVZ Sentence Gi Tag question Gi Subject wn‡m‡e ‘they’ Pronoun  wU e¨eüZ  nq |
Nobody called me, did they?                            None can do it, can they?

     NOTE-21 . ‡h mg¯Í Statement wKQy wKQy we‡kl kã †hgb t never, no, none, no one, nobody, neither, nothing, barely, hardly, rarely, scarcely, seldom, hardly, ever, few, little etc avib K‡i Zv‡`i‡K Negative Statement wn‡m‡e we‡ePbv Kiv nq | Ges G†`i Tag question  Affirmative question e¨eüZ  nq |
      He hardly comes here, does she?                He hardly believes me, does he?
Never tell a lie, do you?                                Nobody called you, did they?
He has little idea, has he?                            He seldom comes here, does he?

     NOTE-22 . g~j ev‡K¨ Subject I Auxiliary verb msw¶ß AvKv‡i Aem&_vb Ki‡j Tag question Kivi Av‡M msw¶ß AvKv‡ii mwVK iƒcwU wbwðZ n‡Z n‡e |
He’d go there, wouldn’t he?                                    (He’d =He would)
He’d gone there, hadn’t he?                                    (He’d= He had)

      NOTE-23. ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z There is _vK‡j Tag question As‡k  isn’t there  e¨eüZ  nq | ev‡K¨i ïi“‡Z There are _vK‡j Tag question As‡k  aren’t there  e¨eüZ  nq |
There is a mistake, isn’t there? There are many books on the table, aren’t there?
      NOTE-24. wKšÍ ev‡K¨i ïi‡Z There is no _vK‡j Tag question As‡k is there e¨eüZ  nq |
There is no king in Chinais there?

      NOTE-25. Statement Gi Subject wn‡m‡e hw` all of you/none of you/some of you/most of you/everyone of you e¨eüZ  nq †¶‡Î Tag question Gi subject wn‡m‡e You e¨en~Z nq |
All of you know English, don’t you? None of you can do the sum, can you?

 NOTE-26 . Statement Gi Subject  wn‡m‡e  hw` BZi cÖvYx, wkky ev Ro c`v_© e¨en~Z nq †m†¶‡Î Tag question Gi subject wn‡m‡e It e¨eüZ  nq |
The baby is crying for its mother, isn’t it?The dog is a faithful animal, isn’t it?                       This is a nice book, isn’t it?

       NOTE-27. Statement Gi Subject  wn‡m‡e  This/that e¨eüZ n‡j †m†¶‡Î Tag question Gi subject wn‡m‡e It e¨en~Z nq | Avevi Statement Gi Subject  wn‡m‡e  This/that e¨en~Z n‡j †m†¶‡Î Tag question Gi subject wn‡m‡e They e¨eüZ  nq |
This is a book, isn’t it?                                         These are my books, aren’t they?

     NOTE-28 . ‡Uªb, (The Padma Express, The Surma Express etc) RvnvR,(The Titanic ,The The Bengal,) †`k,(Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Japan, etc)wegvb (The Biman Bangladesh Airlines, The Sudia Airlans )Puv`,(The moon)c„w_ex,(The Earth)emšÍ (The Spring), The Autumn,Nature,Liberty,Justic,Mercy,Hope,Charity,Love,Steamer,Launch,Boat,BuscÖf„wZ‡K Feminine gender wn‡m‡e Mb¨ Kiv nq| G me Noun Øviv gnZ¡,†mŠ›`h© I D`viZv cÖKvk K‡i| myZivs Gi Subject wn‡m‡e  e¨en~Z n‡j Tag question Gi Subject wn‡m‡e She e¨eüZ  nq | Z‡e G†¶‡Î it e¨eüZ  n‡Z cv‡i |
The moon has hidden her face behind the cloud, hasn’t she/it?
The Spring came with all her beauties, didn’t she/it?
Bangladesh is not rich in mineral resources, is she?
The Jamuna Express is running at a full speed , isn’t she/it?

 NOTE-29 . Statement Verb  wn‡m‡e  hw`  have to _vK‡j  Tag question G  doesn’t/don’t e‡m Ges had to _vK‡j didn’t e‡m | Z‡e G†¶‡Î haven’t/hadn’t e¨eüZ  n‡Z cv‡i |
They have to do it, don’t they?/haven’t they?         We had to do it, don’t we?

 NOTE- 30.The Sun, summer, Winter, Fire, death, Storm,Flood, war, winter, Sidr, Tidal bore,Tidal wave, Earthquake/Cyclone cÖf„wZ Masculine gender wn‡m‡e MY¨ Kiv nq |myZivs Giv Subject wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ  n‡j G‡`i cwie‡Z© Tag question G Subject wn‡m‡e he e‡m | G me Noun Øviv w¶cÖZv,cÖPÛZv, cÖKvk K‡i| Z‡e it I e¨eüZ  n‡Z cv‡i |
The Sun sheds his beams on the rich hand the poor alike,doesn’t he/it?

 NOTE-31. He has a problem G ai‡bi †K `yfv‡e cwieZ©b Kiv hvq |
(a)  He has a problem, doesn’t he? (b) He has a problem, hasn’t he?

 NOTE-32. ‡Kvb Statement G Subject Gi c~‡e© hw` Adjective _v‡K Z‡e †m†¶‡Î Tag question any e‡m |
No money is allowed, isn’t any?

 NOTE-33.‡Kvb ev‡K¨ had better /had rather _vK‡j †m†¶‡Î Tag question hadn’t e‡m |
You had better stay in bed,hadn’t you?
You had rather wait here a moment, hadn’t you?

 NOTE-34. ‡Kvb ev‡K¨ Would  _vK‡j †m†¶‡Î Tag question G wouldn’t  e‡m |
You would rather help him, wouldn’t you?

 NOTE-35Be Verb hy³ Exclamatory Sentence G isn’t/aren’t/wasn’t/weren’t e‡m Ges Subject Noun  n‡j Gi Pronoun  e¨eüZ  nq |
How nice the flower is,isn’t it?           How beautiful the garden is,isn’t it?

 NOTE-36. g~j Verb hy³ Exclamatory Sentence  don’t/doesn’t/didn’t  e¨eüZ  nq |
How sweetly the bird sings, doesn’t it?

 NOTE-37. Infinitive(to+ verb)I Gerund (Verb +ing ) ‡Kvb ev‡K¨  Subject  wn‡m‡e e¨eüZ  n‡j Tag question Kivi mgq it †K Subject  wn‡m‡e e¨envi Ki‡Z n‡e |Walking is a
          good exercise, isn’t it?
       01.  No living being is above death, ………………..?
       02.  A boy like you should not do this,……………..?
       03.  Allah may excuse a sinner,…………………….?
       04.  Barking dogs seldom bite,……………………..?
       05.  Be dignified,…………………………………….?
       06.  Every action has an equal and opposite reaction ..............…?
      07.  Good bye,……………………………………….?
      08.  He’s reading yesterday,………………………..?
      09.  Men who live long grow old,…………………..?



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